Fish Reports
July 9, 2024
Well the hot weather of summer is here. We have stayed pretty busy. My guys are still fishing even in the 100 degree weather. Fishing has been good, the guys are still bringing stripers in. It seems like most of the guys are really following the tides.
Take a look at the photos Mike sent. Thank you Mike
Don’t forget the ramp is open from 6:15 am to 9:00 pm when the ramp gets locked and you will not be able to get out til the next morning at 6:15 am, so be sure to be in by 9 pm. Launching is $15.00 per day, if you have a dog with you it is an additional $5.00. If you have an additional vehicle with you, that is $10.00 extra. The ramp is open 7 days a week. The office is closed on Mondays, so be sure you have the right amount. If you don’t and put a $20.00 in you will get change that day. If for some reason we miss you, we hold the envelope til the next time you come, when we are able to give you change. Also, if you are paying by credit card, please write the card number, expiration date, code and the zip code where the bill gets sent to, right the information on the envelope.
How about these fishermen, whole group went out and did some fishing and look how they did. Thanks guys for the pictures. Keep those pictures coming in for me.
Let me know how you guys are doing, so I can update the reports.
Don’t forget the ramp opens at 6:15 am and closes at 9 pm. Office is open 6:15 am on Saturdays and Sundays. 9am Tuesday- Friday. The office is closed on Mondays but the ramp is open. If we are not there please be sure to use our envelopes.
Don’t forget to email me photos.
E-mail me with your photos and reports at info
For launching rates take a look at the Marina info page.